Upcoming events
 The snow is well and truly melting around town and with it comes the emergence of natural and human generated waste. There are many ways we can all get involved in bringing beauty to Whistler’s parks in preparation for sunny days enjoyed outdoors. Protecting Whistler’s natural assets is part of the community’s history, and it has been supported through strong community action for decades.
Yard waste drop off: May 12–14. For details, please visit www.whistler.ca/free-yard-waste-drop-weekends
Garden debris burn: April 28–May 15. Homeowners can safely burn garden debris by obtaining a permit from the Whistler Fire Rescue Service.
The annual Pitch-In Day: May 6. Since 1989, the RMOW has organized an annual Pitch-In Day where hundreds of volunteers gather to clear litter throughout Whistler. Picking up litter along roadways and trails is an important part of protecting our natural habitats from toxins. Garbage left in ditches is easily blown or washed into creeks, forests, and other sensitive areas. If you are interested in "pitching-in" please email roads@whistler.ca.
WORCA Bike Swap - WORCA’s ever popular annual Bike Swap is back this year, and will be held on Saturday May 7th, between 10am-3pm at the Olympic Plaza (beside the Brewhouse, by the Olympic Rings). With hundreds of people lining up in search of a good deal, the Bike Swap is the perfect place to buy and sell new and used bikes and gear. http://www.worca.com/bike-swap/
Go Fest - Whistler's Outdoor Festival - May 19th - 22nd - Whistler's successful family oriented Great Outdoors Festival is a jam packed weekend of mountain culture. Fun for the whole family! https://www.whistler.com/events/gofest/